All posts tagged as "Software Engineering"

Extreme Programming Explained by Kent Beck

Kent Beck details all the basics about extreme programming from the values, principles and practices it entails to what has influenced him in its development, what to expect if embracing the methodology or how to get started with it in different kind of organizations.


Building Microservices by Sam Newman

Sam Newman shares his experience and thoughts about what is a good microservices architecture and what are the principles to keep in mind in order to successfully use it in your system.


Kubernetes Up & Running by Brendan Burns, Joe Beda and Kelsey Hightower

The authors provide with this book a very good practical introduction to Kubernetes. It doesn't pretend to have you setup with a production ready environment, but gives you a tangible overview of the main concepts and objects used in typical Kubernetes setup to get you started.


Release It! by Michael T. Nygard

Michael T. Nygard goes over a wide range of potential issues for complex software systems and common though often forgotten ways to help prevent these issues or at least limit greatly their negative effect en improve the recovery time of the system.


Designing Data Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann

Martin Kleppmann goes in depth about the challenges you're likely to face if you want to build an application relying in an important way on data. He also mentions most of the currently available options to solve these challenges.


Clean Code by Robert C. Martin

Robert C. Martin shares learning and good practices about how to write clean, readable and maintainable code. These are from his own career and experiences as well as friends and colleagues.


Implementing Domain-Driven Design by Vaughn Vernon

Explanation and examples about the principles and methods to follow and understand in order to implement a Domain-Driven Design approach in software engineering.
